6.1 Choreography

An NFT Issuer that wishes an NFT Minting Service to create a Music NFT will need to send two messages to the NFT Minting Service:

  1. A NewReleaseMessage as defined in Part 1 of the ERN standard in accordance with one of the release profiles defined in Part 2 of the ERN standard but without populating the Deal composite of the NewReleaseMessage;

  2. A MusicNftNotification, as referenced from the SupplementalDocument composite of the NewReleaseMessage to provide the conditions upon which the Music NFT should be minted.

While the NewReleaseMessage provides details about the music to be included in the Music NFT, the MusicNftNotification provides details of the NFT profiles, potentially including parameters of the smart contract that will become the basis of the Music NFT, defined in Clause 5 of this part of the Web3 standard.

Before minting the Music NFT, the NFT Minting Service will need to satisfy itself that it has all the relevant musical work and rights controller metadata as defined in Clauses 5.3.3, 5.3.4 and 5.3.5.

This is depicted in Figure 1 below.

If the NFT Minting Service is unable to satisfy itself that it has all the relevant rights controller metadata, the NFT Minting Service will have to:

  1. Ensure they are able to report usage and pay royalties to all those rights controllers that are unknown to them at time of minting the Music NFT (e.g. using DDEX’s Digital Sales Reporting (DSR) standard).

Two ways of implementing this would be to either employ multi-signature wallets or to create an “escrow” wallet controlled by the NFT Minting Service; and

  1. Update the rights controller information on the Music NFT once they receive updated rights controller information. This information may come, for example as a claim for a musical work communicated using DDEX’s Claim Detail Message (CDM) or Musical Work Rights Share Notification (MWN) standards. This communication is, however, out of scope for this part of the Web3 standard.

In such cases, the NFT Minting Service cannot use the Immutable Profile defined in Clause 5.4.

Upon receipt of a NewReleaseMessage and MusicNftNotification, the NFT Minting Service may wish to request confirmation of the parameters of the smart contract that will become the basis of the Music NFT. The NFT Minting Service can do that by sending a MusicNftConfirmationRequest to the NFT Issuer who would then reply with a MusicNftConfirmationRequest. This is depicted in Figure 2.

Finally Figure 3 depicts the reporting of any uses of the Music NFT, which is out of scope for this standard.


Figure 1 – Choreography for minting a Simple Music NFT


Figure 2 – Choreography for updating a Simple Music NFT (Updatable Profile)


Figure 3 – Choreography for reporting uses of a Simple Music NFT (Updatable Profile)

Table 1 below summarises the points when each message defined in this part of the Web3 standard is sent. The table also indicates who sends which message to whom.

Message Name

Initiating Event Sender Recipient

Message Name

Initiating Event Sender Recipient


NFT Issuer wants to issue a release in a Music NFT and provides relevant metadata about the release (NewReleaseMessage) and the conditions (MusicNftNotification) for its use.

NFT Issuer

NFT Minting Service



The NFT Minting Service has created a Smart Contract and wishes to confirm this with the NFT Issuer.

This message is optional.

NFT Minting Service

NFT Issuer


The NFT Issuer has reviewed a Smart Contract and provides feedback to the NFT Minting Service.

This message is optional.

NFT Issuer

NFT Minting Service

Table 1 – Choreography of the Simple Music NFT standard