Web3 - Part 1: Simple Music NFT
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Web3 - Part 1: Simple Music NFT
1 Introduction
2 Organisation of the document
3 Normative references
4 Terms and abbreviations
4.1 Terms and definitions
4.2 Abbreviations
5 Simple music NFT profiles
5.1 Background (informative)
5.1.1 Rights in musical works, sound recordings or music videos
5.1.2 Music NFTs
5.2 Profile introduction (informative)
5.3 Data sets for profiles
5.4 Immutable profile
5.5 Updatable profile
6 Data exchange
6.1 Choreography
6.2 Protocol
6.3 Personalising the feed
6.4 Web service set-up and authentication
6.5 Web service commands
6.5.1 POST MusicNftNotification
6.5.2 POST MusicNftConfirmationRequest
6.5.3 POST MusicNftConfirmation
7 Message definition
7.1 Namespace
7.2 Structure of the messages
7.3 Allowed-value sets
7.4 Schema validation
7.5 Indicating unknown values
7.6 Contractually mandatory
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4 Terms and abbreviations
4.1 Terms and definitions
4.2 Abbreviations